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What is Bitrate and Why It Matters for Your Streaming?

Bitrate is one of the vital specifications of video files that can impact the streaming quality to a great extent. That’s why you need to know the meaning of this term and use this knowledge for producing better recordings.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the bitrate video setting without complex explanations.

What is video bitrate?

Bitrate refers to the amount of data that is used to represent a given file in a digital format. It generally describes the amount of data that is transferred or stored per second, typically measured in kilobits per second (Kbps) or Megabits per second (Mbps). Higher bitrates optimize sound quality at the expense of file size, while lower ones reduce the size of the file but reduce the sound quality. A high bitrate is essential for streamers, as it is what defines the quality of a video.

When discussing data transfer in relation to video broadcasting, uploads and downloads are used as examples. Data that is transferred from your device to the web after the video signal has been exchanged between the encoder for data compression is referred to as uploading. The procedure by which people receive the video to their devices from the web is referred to as downloading. 

Whether we’re talking about upload or download speed, bitrates are used to measure both. Higher bitrates produce better-quality video but greater transmission speeds require more data to be processed. A bitrate of 6000 Kbps, for instance, would produce great video quality for a video stream set to 1080p resolution at 60 fps. Less Kbps mean poorer quality.

Here’s the table of the most popular video bitrate setting for your video.



2160p (4K)

40,000–65,000 Kbps

1440p (2K)

16,000–24,000 Kbps

1080 (HD)

8,000–12,000 Kbps


5,000–7,500 Kbps


2,000–4,000 Kbps


1,000–1,500 Kbps

Want to reduce or improve video bitrate in your clips? Change this setting in AVS Video Editor.

When saving your video, just choose a profile with the desired bitrate value. Click Next >> to save a file.

The entire AVS4YOU multimedia suite is currently available with large discounts up to 70%.

Useful links

What is M2TS video file?

How to make a video collage?

What is video stabilization?