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Easy software doesn‘t mean it is for laymen only. Here at AVS4YOU we‘re constantly working on making interfaces of our multimedia editors user-friendly and intuitive. Let us see why AVS Video Editor is worth trying and working with.

Multi-format video editor

Most of modern video editors support popular formats like MP4, DVD, AVI, MOV, WMV etc. But what if you have rather older records? Mobile videos like 3GP or outdated formats like F4V for Adobe Flash Player?

AVS Video Editor works with dozens of video formats and even free PowerPoint presentation templates. See a full list of supported formats.

HD video formats are also supported for editing. Make stunning 2K and 4K videos without quality loss.

AVS Video Editor

To change working formats and video parameters download free AVS Video Converter.

Automated video editing

In AVS Video Editor there are tools to correct colours, adjust brightness, contrast etc. You can make image warmer, brighter, darker, add particular colours and more. See how it works>>

Enable automated colour correction to let AVS Video Editor choose suitable parameters.

Stabilize shaky videos automatically — for example, mobile recordings.

Add ready-to-use effects and transitions to make scene changing smooth.

Basic tools for beginners

AVS Video Editor offers all necessary features for you to cut out unnecessary parts in videos. There are also numerous presets to tailor videos to any device or video hosting service.

Just taking up video editing? AVS Video Editor is perfect to learn the basics and approach some advanced tools without prior experience. These skills are in-demand — 100,000+ companies search for video editing specialists on Jooble.

Managing images, footages, text and audio on the timeline manually is easy and intuitive. Just move or extend an object to choose its location and duration.

Advanced tools for professionals

Have your own video blog or just making video tutorials for students? In AVS Video Editor you can capture a full screen, a window or a part of your desktop.

Adjust video and audio parameters of an output file in advanced settings. Here you can alter frame size, bitrate, choose codecs and more.

You can gather your tutorials on a DVD disc and create a menu for easy navigation. Each video becomes a chapter.

AVS Video Editor is a good start for newbies in video making and a true multitool for skilled filmmakers. Try all features yourself in the latest version:

Useful links

How to create demos and guides. Learn more>>

How to make spectacular videos for Facebook. Learn more>>

Handy tips for cinematic videos. Learn more>>