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Convert GIFs to video

GIFs are everywhere over the web today — blogs, messengers, websites and social networks. Want some funny song in your favourite animation? Convert it to a video in free AVS Video Converter.

GIF to video conversion

Just follow these simple steps.

1. Choose a preferred video format on the main toolbar. AVS Video Converter supports all key formats: MP4, AVI, DVD, WebM, VOB, MKV, 2K QHD, 4K UHD etc. See full list>>
We recommend MP4 — it is the most popular out there and accepted by any video hosting, such as YouTube or Vimeo.
You may need another format — it fully depends on your requirements to an output video.

2. Click on the button with your format, for example To MP4.

3. Upload a GIF by clicking the upper Browse button.

4. Define the output file directory by clicking the lower Browse button.

5. Choose Profile to set pre-installed parameters for your video format.
Experienced users may want to edit the selected video profile or just preview input and output file properties. Just open conversion options by clicking the Advanced >> button.

6. Click on Convert Now!

7. As soon as the conversion is completed, the following window pops up:

To open the folder containing the converted video file, play it back and check its quality, press the Open Folder… button. To close the Information window, press theClose button.

Your GIF animation has became a video. Edit it in AVS Video Editor, apply music and text, join multiple files together and do even more.
 Try free AVS Video Converter today!

Useful links

Learn why and how to convert videos to GIFs.

Make stunning videos for Facebook.

Read how to choose video editing software in 2021.

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