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Top 10 document converters in 2022

Top 10 document converters in 2022

Documents have various formats, such as PDF and DOCX. To switch between formats, you can use one of the most popular document converters online and on Windows.

AVS Document Converter

AVS Document Converter is a free tool for saving document in different output formats on Windows. They include PDF, DOCX, DOC, ODT, RTF, TXT, HTML, and others.

Besides, our app allows making ebooks (ePUB, Mobi, FB2) and compress files to password-protected ZIP archives. Additional features include:

  • Merging multiple files into one
  • Watermarks
  • Copying and printing restrictions

Discover the full set of functionalities in AVS Document Converter today – it’s free!


ONLYOFFICE is good for converting PDF into editable Word files online or on your desktop without any fee. The desktop app is supported on Windows, Mac, and even Linux.

Also, you can change the OpenDocument format (ODT, ODF, and ODP) into widely supported Word files. Available ebook formats are ePUB and FB2.

Adobe Acrobat

The Adobe’s online service allows converting Word, Excel, PPT slides, and images to the native PDF. The reverse conversion to these formats is also possible.

Fast and free document converter online, which also includes less popular formats DjVu, ABW, and DBK. To remove limits of the uploaded file size and concurrent conversions, you may consider a yearly subscription from $5.99/mo.

The Document Converter

Developed by Float Tech, this app is among the best document converters for Mac and iOS users. Traditionally, it supports PDF and numerous other formats of documents and images.

Another advantage is a truly wide support of ebook formats. AZW, Mobi, ePUB, LIT, and others are present.


This well-known app is installed on Mac by default and suitable for simple conversions between PDF and image formats (PNG, JPEG, and TIFF). Word files and other Microsoft extensions are impossible here, though.

Source: Apple


Those who deal with rather uncommon formats find ConvertFiles one of the best document converters online. Totally free, dozens of output formats, a straightforward process.

However, ads would get annoying when you have many documents to convert.

Online Convert

Recommended by many users online, this converter is free and supports all necessary formats – DOCX, DOC, PDF, RTF, HTML, and more. Paid plans start at 5,58 EUR/mo, disable ads, and unlock some additional non-converting features, such as OCR, text to speech, and generating invoices.

The service has an app for Android to change document formats on the go.

PDF converter

This Android app is a document converter and a scanner for PDF files. The output formats can be Word, Excel, images, or even AutoCAD.

Still, some conversions require an in-app purchase.


This tool is a must-have for web writers, because Word2md allows converting DOCX and other text formats to plain markdown. Blog and forums are just some of use cases for the output MD file.

How to choose the best document converter?

To meet your requirements, a converter should support the desired input and output formats, process files securely, and be compatible with your operating system.

Although there are so many online converters and the process is rather easy, we recommend using an application for your platform, such as AVS Document Converter for Windows. With a desktop app, you don’t have to upload your sensitive documents to an online service.

Remember that format conversion is a complex technical process. Some formatting may be lost, and output documents will not look 100% the same as the original ones. Desktop converters usually provide better results.

Can I just change the file extension?

No. We strongly recommend you don’t change the extension of your document. Not only the format will not be converted, your file and the entire content may be broken and inaccessible anymore.