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How to Fix Upside Down Videos

AVS4YOU rotate videos

Got a video filmed upside down? The way out is really easy and obvious — just rotate a video in AVS Video Editor!

Here‘s how to do it:

Step 1. When you uploaded your file, find Video Effects and choose Transform on the list of directories.

Step 2. Find the Rotate option and drag‘n‘drop it to the timeline. Define position or duration of the effect — just move the effect block or alter its borders!

Step 3. Right-click the effect and select Properties. Set a positive or negative angle depending on the side you want the video to be rotated to.

Done! Now just preview changes and save the edited file as a new video.

Watch this video to learn how to convert, upload and then rotate a video from your mobile device step-by-step:

Try out this and many other effects in the latest version of AVS Video Editor:

Read more about applying effects in AVS Video Editor in our knowledge centre.

Smartphone videos are often shaky. Here‘s how to stabilize them in AVS Video Editor.

Learn how to regulate aspect ratio of your videos.

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