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AVS4YOU February update

We reviewed some feedback from our users and fixed common issues in AVS4YOU apps. Here‘s what you get in this release:

  • High quality video presets available for Samsung S21.
  • Enhanced performance for MP4, M4V, MOV, F4V, 3GP, Fragmented MP4 (fMP4) and MP4 dash.
  • Stability upgrades for AVI and MOV files with MJPEG codec.
  • 2 new JPG patterns in AVS Video Editor.
  • Multiple localization enhancements and bug fixes.

Keep up with the latest version:

What would you have in the next AVS4YOU update? Give us some fresh ideas in the comments below!

Read our recent blog posts on editing raw footages:

The difference between trimming, cutting and cropping video files

How to fix upside down videos