When you process your video recordings, you may need to split a video into several parts. It might be necessary if you want to cut out unwanted fragments or, on the contrary, insert some other scenes or special transitions between certain parts of the video file.
Using AVS Video Editor you can easily shorten your video, manually trim a video recording or automatically detect scenes and cut out certain episodes in a few mouse clicks. AVS Video Editor can be used as a convenient video splitter, but at the same time it allows you to enhance the video with multiple effects, stabilize it, adjust colors of the video image, and receive a professional-looking movie as a result.
Note: if you wish to save each part of the video as a separate file, please use
AVS Video Converter for this purpose.
After you import your video into the application and add it to the Timeline, please follow the steps below to split your video.
To manually split the video into several parts, use the Timeline. Put the cursor to the position where you want to split your movie and click the
Split button above the Timeline. Repeat this operation as many times as you need to split the video file into several episodes.

To make it easier to find the necessary fragment you can use the
Next scene button below the Preview window. The
Previous frame and
Next frame buttons allow to select the necessary place with more precision.
When you split the video into several clips, you can remove the unnecessary ones. Select the clip your want to delete by clicking it with the left mouse button and press the
Delete button above the Timeline. The selected part of the video will be removed.

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The Multi Trim feature allows to automatically split your video at scene changes. Right-click the video on the Timeline and select the Multi Trim option from the menu.
In the window that opens, press the Detect Scenes button below the Preview area to start the process of detecting scenes. It may take some time depending on your video file length.

Within this window, you can also split the video manually. Put the cursor where you want to split the scene and press the
Add/Split scene in current position button.
All the automatically found scenes are displayed in the right part of the window. To remove some of them, left-click a single scene or hold down the Ctrl key and select several adjacent scenes with the mouse. Press the Delete Scene button below the scenes list to remove the selected scene(s). Click the OK button to apply the changes and close the window.

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Once all the unwanted parts are removed, you can insert other imported videos or images between the remaining scenes to combine them with each other.
To insert a new scene between two parts of your video, select the necessary video or image in the Media Library and drag-and-drop it between two scenes at the Timeline.

You can also add transitions to smooth the scene changes. If you are satisfied with the result, save your edited video file to a suitable format. That's all. Now you know how to easily split your video while editing.
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Version: 155.45 MBPlatforms: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP, 2003, Vista
(no Mac OS/Linux support)
AVS Video Editor
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