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Meet AVS4YOU update with long-awaited features

This release includes some functionalities you asked us to add. Look what’s new in the latest version of AVS4YOU.

AV1 codec

One of the most important news is the support of AV1 8 bit video for NVIDIA 30x.

VP9 codec

Another update around codecs is the support of VP9 12 bit video for Intel Gen 11 & 12.

Better fMP4 and dash support

We improved the support of fMP4 and dash video and audio.

New presets for H.264 conversion

We added MP4 and MOV presets for H.264 conversion with Main/High profiles and Intel hardware acceleration.

Applying actions to multiple files / objects

From now on, you can change duration of transitions, slides, image, or color objects in bulk. That essentially facilitates working with videos.

Audio tracks, subtitles and aspect ratio can also be applied for multiple files at once.

New formats: TSV and TRP

Video format support is extended and now comprises TSV and TRP.

Download the update with all these features today — just hit the button below:

The update also includes enhanced usability, more stable performance, and bug fixes. Updating is highly recommended.

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