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We are happy to launch AVS4YOU Spring Affiliate Contest. Promote AVS4YOU software and receive valuable gifts such as a Murena One smartphone, a Mini PC, etc.

Time Duration: March 1, 2023 – May 31, 2023.

Participants: All AVS4YOU affiliates. If you are not a member of our affiliate program, please join now.

Prizes: the 1st prize – a Mini PC or a Murena One smartphone

            the 2nd prize – 10% extra to the regular affiliate commission for 6 months

            The 3rd prize – 5% extra to the regular affiliate commission for 6 months

About AVS4YOU Affiliate program

An affiliate program implies that you recommend AVS4YOU products to your website or blog audience, or share posts in social media. You earn a commission whenever someone makes a purchase through your unique affiliate link associated with the recommendation.

How to participate

  1. Register as an AVS4YOU affiliate in the Avangate Affiliate Network filling in a short form and answering few questions about your business. Once your partnership request is approved, you may start generating sales. 
  2. Generate and place affiliate links on your website, blog or YouTube channel. If it is done, make sure that your affiliate links are correct. Here are affiliate link samples. To AVS4YOU homepage:

Buy link for AVS4YOU Unlimited Subscription (coupon embedded):

Don’t forget to replace XXXXX with your Avangate affiliate ID.

3. To help you boost sales you may use banners, coupon codes, send newsletters to your customers, run PPC campaigns.

How winners are chosen

On the first of June 2023 we’ll check the sales report for the previous 3 months and pick three winners in each category:

A) Top affiliates

B) Active affiliates 

C) New affiliates 

The winners will be contacted via email address for further delivery details.

All things considered, the conditions and terms are easy to follow. You just need a stroke of luck and a strong desire to win. Ready to get generous gifts?

If you have any questions in terms of the contest, please contact us at

Good luck to all participants!